This year, I had an awesome opportunity to pace in the same pacing assignment as Lindsey, and I am really glad that our friendship was not limited to the pacing period. Over dinner the other day, we chatted and I love the fact that every fibre of her being oozes inspiration. Read more about Lindsey in this edition of Feature Friday (and in her pacer profile too)!
Photo credit: Lindsey’s Facebook page
We all know you as a mother of 3 beautiful children, a runner (a fast one for that matter) and more importantly an overcomer of odds.
Tell us something about yourself that we don’t already know.
Thank you for the sweet intro firstly. I think what many people don’t know about me is that my running career is only about 6 years old. I’m still relatively new to this game and still actively learning and striving to learn so much more. I used to be a national competitive collegiate cheerleader. And hold several titles and awards on national and collegiate levels. That is what I was passionate about. If you were to ask me about running; I would have laughed at you. The only running I did were for drills. I couldn’t stand to run.
I’m very intrigued by your diet! Please tell us what do you eat in a normal day for you to be looking so smokin’ hot even after 3 children!
You’re making me blush but I must be honest this one is tough for me to answer. After being diagnosed with my second stroke a year ago and finding out that I have epilepsy my health has a lot to do with my diet. I am on a lot of medication. 8 pills in the morning and 3 in the evening. All of these are to make sure that my seizures are maintained and that I can carry on with daily activities. Also that my blood clots maintained and that my strokes are under control. Recently we found out that my heart was having some issues with palpitations so now I am also on some medications to keep my heart rate on track. Plus my seizure medications.
I share all of this because this ALL plays into affect with how I eat and my diet. I have to watch what I eat and my intake and outtake. A lot of times my medications make me sick so I eat one big meal around lunch and nothing for breakfast and just something small for dinner. Reason being those are the times when I take my medications. My go to is frozen Reese’s cups. They are always in our house and everyone knows that they are moms and that they are off limits! I always have one before a race. It is my go to fuel. And oddly enough I love spinach raw or cooked. So I usually have it at every meal.
What is your life mantra?
2 Timothy 4:17 “But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me.”
This has always been my verse. Any time I need any encouragement this is what I lean on. *Amen to that!*
How has life changed after the diagnosis of your illness and how do you cope with it?
Life is always changing and there are always new challenges that present themselves daily. The one thing that keeps me grounded is that I truly have to remind myself that I am not promised tomorrow. I have had some serious scares this year and just trying to make the best of each day for my kids is what matters most for me. I want them to remember everything that they can. And pray that the bad health days are a little foggy in their minds by the good memories. I have been crippled by epilepsy for life to no longer drive so that has stripped me of that freedom that I once knew. And my strong memory has been damaged by my strokes. I have a hard time putting words together in complete thoughts and forget things way more than usual (more than a mom of 3 kids under 5 should). I struggle with getting frustrated with myself. I’m my own worst enemy. Anyone who knows me will tell you I am extremely hard on myself. I want to always do better than what someone expects of me. But I’m learning to embrace this new reality and I’m really learning to say ok to others to help when I’m having a really hard day.
Moving forward, what are some goals / personal goals you’ve set for yourself? (Like the next pacing assignments, etc.)
I love this question. I’m always setting goals and then sitting down and reevaluating them and redirecting them. I never give up on them but I love how your goals can go down so many different paths depending on circumstances, people you come in contact with, living situations, etc. This year my racing goals are quite simple… I’m just trying to PB in all my races that I did last year. Whether that may be by 1s or by 2 mins I’m looking forward to seeing the outcome. It’s been a fun training year already and I feel really prepped. As far as pacing assignments, I look forward to joining Running Department in the near future when I started this journey after my youngest was born I made my mind up to travel one new place a year and run a race there … this year there will not be anywhere new but I will be returning back to Cambodia at the end of the year to run the half marathon and to donate some items there. And then at the beginning of 2020 I will be traveling up to Scotland to see a dear friend of mine to run a marathon up there. Lastly, I just always remember the verse from Ezra 10:4 “Rise Up Take Courage and Do It.” Just don’t give up on what ever your obstacles are or dreams are in life.
Oh and I totally just had 4 Reese’s cups