Mr Nice Nic
Are you missing our Wednesday runs? If you are regular runner with RD, you will be familiar with the strength training sessions that Nicholas conducts after each session. Learn all about his different passions in this issue’s Feature Friday. Men in black – looking after the well-being of pacers – that’s him on extreme left RD:
- Published in Community, Feature Friday
Postpartum Running for New Mummies
I have just given birth to a baby boy (Shameless me: I think he is quite cute!) and haven’t been running for a year in preparation for his birth. I have always stared hard at various Instagram posts of mummies running with a big belly that is dangerously hanging low and wonder, am I going
- Published in Running Health
The Mighty Mathilda Motivates
Mathilda was a pacer for Running Department at last year’s Straits Times Run, and was also a pacer for the same event in 2018! Running surely is Mathilda’s secret tool to looking and feeling young, mighty and spritely! She is a mother of 2 little girls (though she looks like a little girl herself), Having
- Published in Community, Feature Friday
International Women’s Day Special: 6 Running Facts About Women
Today is International Women’s Day, thus we are dedicating this article to all ladies out there. Of course, guys, you are more than welcome to read on to learn more about us! The female body is physiologically very different from the male body. Here are some facts that you may or may not already know
- Published in Running Health
All about overseas races
Let us start by answering, why you should run an overseas race to become a stronger runner? With the increasing availability of affordable flights from Singapore and emerging running culture developing in this region, you can fulfil your wanderlust and be spoilt for choice to race overseas. A new race challenge could be the key to
- Published in Reviews, Running Adventures